Dr. rer. nat. Robert Keith Brown
Telefon: +49 (0) 3834 420 4327 (Room B 233)
Email: robert.brownuni-greifswaldde
Area of Research
Bioelectrochemical Systems in the field of wastewater treatment and electrobiochemical systems for synthesis of valuable compunds.
Scientific Carreer
2018 | Ph.D. Summa Cum Laude @Technische Universität Braunschweig |
2012 | M.Sc. Water Science - Universität Duisburg-Essen |
2010 | B.Sc. Water Science - Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Current Projects
Demo-BioBZ – Subproject F leader and principal investigator
Current Publications (Full list here)
- Santoro, C., Babanova, S., Cristiani, P., Artyushkova, K., Atanassov, P., Bergel, A., Bretschger, O., Brown, R.K., CarpenB., Harnisch, F., Kodali, M., Phadke, S., Riedl, S., Rosa, L.F.M., Schröder U. How Comparable are Microbial Electrochemical Systems around the Globe? An Electrochemical and Microbiological Cross-Laboratory Study. ChemSusChem, 2021,14, 2313–233. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202100294.
- Alvarez-Esquivell, D.Y., Guo,Y., Brown, R.K., Müller, S., Schröder, U., Harnisch F. Investigating community dynamics and performance during microbial electrochemical degradation of whey. ChemelectroChem, 2020, 7, 989-997. DOI: 10.1002/celc.201902109.
- Rivera-Alvarez, I., Brown. R.K., Keskin-Pyttel, D., Steffens, J., Farber, P., Schröder, U. Correlating theoretical boundary layer thickness to the power output of a microbial fuel cell with a complex anode geometry operated at varying flow rates. J. Power Sources, 2020, 470, 2-7. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228428.
- Alvarez-Esquivell, D.Y., Brown, R.K., Knohl, S., Schröder, U. Developing Cheap and Mass-Producible Graphite-Filled Paper as an Anode Material for Microbial Electrochemical Technologies. ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7, 1–10. DOI: 0.1002/celc.201902087.