
102. Solid State Electrochemical Studies of Mixed Nickel-Iron Hexacyanoferrates with the Help of Abrasive Stripping Voltammetry, S. J. Reddy, A. Dostal, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 403 (1996) 209-212

103. Hexacyanoferrate-based composite ion-sensitive electrodes for voltammetry, H. Düssel, A. Dostal, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 355 (1996) 21-28

104. Evidence for the occasional appearance of molecular iodine in of sea water, A. Möller, M. Lovric, F. Scholz Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 63 (1996) 99-106

105. Lattice contractions and expansions which accompany the electrochemical conversion of Prussian blue and the reversible and irreversible insertion of rubidium and thallium ions, A. Dostal, G. Kauschka, S. J. Reddy, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 406 (1996) 155-163

106. Advantages and Limits of Combining Separation Techniques with Voltammetry, A. Möller, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem.356 (1996) 160-168

107. A solid composite electrode for the determination of the electrochemical oxygen demand of aqueous samples, R. Rössler-Fromme, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 197-201

108. The nickel reactrode, a metal specific voltammetric electrode, M. A. Jimoh, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 202-203

109. A Prussian blue-based reactive electrode (reactrode) for the determination of thallium ions,H. Kahlert, Š. Komorsky-Lovric, M. Hermes, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 204-208

110. A reactive electrode (reactrode) for the voltammetric determination of heavy metals in the laboratory and for the use as a passive monitor in remote analysis, I. Helms, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 237-241

111. The determination of inorganic ionic mercury down to 5×10-14 mol/l by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry,S. Meyer, F. Scholz, R. Trittler Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 247-252

112. The quantitative analyis of mixed crystals CuSxSe1-x with abrasive stripping voltammetry and a redetermination of the solubility product of CuSe and the standard potential of the Cu/CuSe electrode, B. Meyer, S. Zhang, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 267-270

113. A cell for in situ incident-light microscopy for the study of solid state electrochemical reactions, U. Schröder, B. Meyer, F. Scholz Fresenius` J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 295-298

114. The application of abrasive stripping voltammetry for a simple and rapid screening of pesticides, S. J. Reddy, M. Hermes, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 8 (1996) 955-958

115. The Standard Potentials of the Electrode "Dissolved Atomic Mercury/Dissolved Mercury Ions", F. Scholz, M- Lovric Electroanalysis 8 (1996) 1075-1076

116. The formation of bilayered nickel-iron, cadmium-iron and cadmium-silver hexacyanoferrates by an electrochemically driven insertion-substitution mechanism, A. Dostal, M. Hermes, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 415 (1996) 133-141

116a. Erratum zu: The formation of bilayered nickel-iron, cadmium-iron and cadmium-silver hexacyanoferrates by an electrochemically driven insertion-substitution mechanism, A. Dostal, M. Hermes, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 422 (1997) 205

117. The catalytic action of adsorbed thiocyanate ions and thiourea in the electron transfer from glassy carbon to solid copper(I) selenide and copper(I) sulfide, B. Lange, M. Lovric, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 418 (1996) 21-28

118. Redetermination of the transformation enthalpies of the xanthoconite-proustite, pyrostilpnite-pyrargyrite and trechmannite-smithite phase transitions, B. Meyer, F. Scholz Phys. Chem. Minerals 24 (1997) 50-52

119. Staircase voltammetry with Finite Diffusion Space, M. Lovric, Š. Komorsky-Lovric, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 9 (1997) 575-577

120. Abrasive Stripping Voltammetry and ESR Spectroscopy of Manganese in Carbonates, Š. Komorsky-Lovric, J. Bartoll, R. Stößer, F. Scholz Croatic. Chem. Acta 70 (1997) 563-583

121. Cathodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Selenium(IV) at a Thin-film Mercury Electrode in a Thiocyanate-Containing Electrolyte,B. Lange, F. Scholz Fresenius’ J. Anal. Chem. 358 (1997) 736-740

122. Sulfide ion electrooxidation catalyzed by cobalt phthalocyanine microcrystals, Š. Komorsky-Lovric, M. Lovric, F. Scholz Microchim. Acta 127 (1997) 95-99

123. Microscopic in situ diffuse reflactance spectroelectrochemistry of solid state electrochemical reactions of particles immobilized on electrodes,U. Schröder, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 1 (1997) 62-67

124. A model for the propagation of a redox reaction through microcrystals, M. Lovric, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 1 (1997) 108-113

125. The role of redox mixed phases in solid state electrochemical reactions and the effect of miscibility gaps in voltammetry,F. Scholz, M. Lovric, Z. Stojek J. Solid State Electrochem. 1 (1997) 134-142

126. A Graphite Silver(I) Hexacyanoferrate(III) Composite Electrode for the Determination of Iron(III) Ions, H. Kahlert, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 9 (1997) 922-925

127. What makes the anodic stripping voltammetry of mercury at a trace level possible?, M. Lovric, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 9 (1997) 1189-1196

128. The electrochemical determination of ammonium based on the selective inhibition of the low-spin iron(II)/(III) system of Prussian blue, M. Hermes, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 1 (1997) 215-220

130. Basic experimental studies on the operation of photoionization detectors, S. Mergemeier, I. Ebner, F. Scholz Fresenius‘ J. Anal. Chem. 361 (1998) 29-33

131. Voltammetric and potentiometric studies of the stability of vanadium(IV) complexes. A comparison of solution phase voltammetry with the voltammetry of the microcrystalline solid compounds, A. Friedrich, H. Hefele, W. Mickler, A. Mönner, E. Uhlemann, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 10 (1998) 244-248

132. Stripping chronopotentiometry of immobilized microparticles, Š. Komorsky-Lovric, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem., 445 (1998) 81-87

133. The effect of electrolyte concentration in the solution on the voltammetric response of insertion electrodes, M. Lovric, M. Hermes, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 2 (1998) 401-404

134. On the determination of the diffusion coefficients of electrons and potassium ions in copper(II) hexacyanoferrate(II) composite electrodes, H. Kahlert, U. Retter, H. Lohse, K. Siegler, F. Scholz J. Phys. Chem. 102 (1998) 8757-8765

135. Speciation of Mercury in Two Dimictic Lakes in the Northeast of Germany during a Period of 600 Days, S. Meyer, G. Kubsch, M. Lovric, F. Scholz Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 63 (1998) 347-368

136. A model for the coupled transport of ions and electrons in redox conductive microcrystals, M. Lovric, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 3 (1999) 172-175

137. Solid state electrochemistry, X-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, ESR, Mössbauer and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of mixed iron(III)-cadmium(II) hexacyanoferrates, N. F. Zakharchuk, N. Naumov, R. Stösser, U. Schröder, F. Scholz, H. Mehner J. Solid State Electrochem. 3 (1999) 5, 264-276

138. A comparative study of the electrocatalytic activities of some metal hexacyanoferrates for the oxidation of hydrazine, S. S. Narayanan, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 11 (1999) 465-469

139. The determination of the redox state of a dissolved depolariser by cyclic voltammetry in the case of electrochemically reversible systems, F. Scholz, M. Hermes Electrochem. Commun. 1 (1999) 345-348
139a. Corrigendum: The determination of the redox state of a dissolved depolariser by cyclic voltammetry in the case of electrochemically reversible systems, F. Scholz, M. Hermes Electrochem. Commun. 2 (2000) 814

140. The voltammetric behaviour of solid 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) microparticles, Q. Zhuang, F. Scholz, F. Pragst Electrochem. Commun. 1 (1999) 406-410

141. The electrochemical behaviour of solid lithium nickelate (LiNiO2) in an aqueous electrolyte, M. Mohan Rao, M. Jayalakshmi, O. Schäf, H. Wulff, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 4 (1999) 17-23

142. Voltammetry of Organic Microparticles, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, V. Mirčeski, F. Scholz Mikrochim. Acta 132 (1999) 67-77

143. A New Access to Gibbs Free Energies of Transfer of Ions Across Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and a New Method to Study Electrochemical Processes at Well-defined Three-Phase Junctions, F. Scholz, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, M. Lovrić Electrochem. Commun. 2 (2000) 112-118

144. Chronopotentiometric study of laccase catalysed oxidation of quinhydrone microcrystals immobilised on a gold electrode surface and of the oxidation of a phenol derivatised graphite electrode surface, F. Scholz, S. Schädel, A. Schultz, F. Schauer J. Electroanal. Chem. 480 (2000) 241-248

145. Electrochemistry of microparticles of tris(2,2’-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate, R. Ramaraj, Ch. Kabbe, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 2 (2000) 190-194

146. Electrochemical driven introduction of copper ions into the ring of 5, 10, 15, 20- tetraphenyl-21H, 23H-porphyrin mechanically attached as solid microparticles to a graphite electrode, Q. Zhuang, F. Scholz J. of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 4 (2000) 202-208

147. The Solid State Electrochemistry of Metal Octacyanomolybdates, Octacyanotungstates, and Hexacyanoferrates Explained on the Basis of Dissolution and Reprecipitation Reactions, their Lattice Structures and Crystallinities, U. Schröder, F. Scholz Inorg. Chem. 39 (2000) 1006-1015

148. Solid-state electrochemical, X-ray and spectroscopic characterization of substitutional solid solutions of iron–copper hexacyanoferrates, D. Schwudke, R. Stößer and F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 2 (2000) 301-306

149. Charge-discharge Characteristics of a Solid State Prussian Blue Secondary Cell, M. Jayalakshmi and F. Scholz J. Power Sources 87 (2000) 212-217

150. Modelling of solid-state voltammetry of immobilized microcrystals assuming an initiation of the electrochemical reaction at a three-phase junction, U. Schröder, K. B. Oldham, J. C. Myland, P. J. Mahon, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 4 (2000) 314-324

151. Solid state electrochemical reactions in systems with miscibility gaps, M. Lovric, M. Hermes, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 4 (2000) 394-401

152. A comparative study of lead oxide modified graphite paste electrodes and solid graphite electrodes with mechanically immobilised lead oxides, N. Zakharchuk, S. Meyer, B. Lange, F. Scholz Croat. Chem. Acta 73 (2000) 667-704

153. Performance characteristics of zinc hexacyanoferrate / Prussian blue and copper hexacyanoferrate / Prussian blue solid state secondary cells, M. Jayalakshmi, F. Scholz J. Power Sources 91 (2000) 217-223

154. The electrochemical oxidation of white phosphorus at a three-phase junction, M. Hermes, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 2 (2000) 845-850