
155. The electrochemical behaviour of solid lithium cobaltate (LiCoO2) and lithium manganate (LiMn2O4) in an aqueous electrolyte system, M. Mohan Rao, M. Jayalakshmi, O. Schäf, H. Wulff, U. Guth, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 5 (2001) 50-56

156. On the Electrochemically Driven Formation of Bilayered Systems of Solid Prussian-Blue-Type Metal Hexacyanoferrates: A Model for Prussian Blue|Cadmium Hexacyanoferrate Supported by Finite Difference Simulations, M. Hermes, M. Lovrić, M. Hartl, U. Retter, and F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 501 (2001) 193-204

157. Square-wave voltammetry of decamethylferrocene at the three-phase junction organic liquid|aqueous solution|graphite, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, M. Lovrić, F. Scholz Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun 66 (2001) 434-444

158. In-situ Electrochemical Synthesis of the Metalloporphyrins with Help of the Voltammetry of Immobilized Microparticles, Q. Zhuang, F. Scholz Chem. J. of Chinese Universities (Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao) 22 (2001) 171-174

159. High temperature combustion synthesis and electrochemical characterisation of LiNiO2, LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4 for Li-ion secondary batteries, M. Rao, C. Liebenow, M. Jayalakshmi, H. Wulff, U. Guth, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 5 (2001) 348-354

160. In situ Atomic Force Microscopy of the Reduction of Lead Oxide Nanocrystals Immobilized on an Electrode Surface, U. Hasse, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 3 (2001) 429-434

161. The Interaction of Prussian Blue and Dissolved Hexacyanoferrate Ions with Goethite (alpha-FeOOH) Studied to Assess the Chemical Stability and Physical Mobility of Prussian Blue in Soils, F. Scholz, D. Schwudke, R. Stößer, J. Boháček Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Environmental Research 49 (2001) 245-254

162. Cyclic voltammetry of decamethylferrocene at the three-phase junction organic liquid|aqueous solution|graphite, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, M. Lovrić, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 508 (2001) 129-137

164. Electrochemical analysis of solids: A review, T. Grygar, F. Marken, U. Schröder, F. Scholz Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun. 67 (2002) 163-208

165. An electrochemical method for the determination of the standard Gibbs energy of anion transfer between water and n-octanol, R. Gulaboski, V. Mirčeski, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 4 (2002) 277-283

166. Bursting and Spreading of Liposomes on the Surface of a Static Mercury Drop Electrode, D. Hellberg, F. Scholz, F. Schauer, W. Weitschies Electrochem. Commun. 4 (2002) 305-309

167. Electron transfer – ion insertion electrochemistry at an immobilised droplet: Probing the three-phase electrode-reaction zone with a Pt disk microelectrode, M. Donten, Z. Stojek, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 4 (2002) 324-329

168. The Thermodynamics of the Insertion Electrochemistry of Solid Metal Hexacyanometallates, M. Bárcena Soto and F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 521 (2002) 183-189

169. Reduction of Iodine at the Organic Liquid / Aqueous Solution / Graphite Electrode Three-Phase Arrangement, V. Mirčeski, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 522 (2002) 189-198

170. Cyclic Voltammetry of Immobilized Microparticles with in situ Calorimetry, Part I: The Thermistor Electrode, M. Bárcena Soto, G. Kubsch and F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 528 (2002) 18-26

171. Cyclic Voltammetry of Immobilized Microparticles with in situ Calorimetry, Part II: Application of a Thermistor Electrode for in situ Calorimetric Studies of the electrochemistry of Solid Metal Hexacyanoferrates, M. Bárcena Soto and F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 528 (2002) 27-32

172. Gas purification by removal of atomic mercury using electrochemical cells, Ch. Kabbe, G. Kauschka, F. Scholz J. Appl. Electrochem. 32 (2002) 379-382

173. Quantification of the chiral recognition in electrochemically driven ion transfer across the interface water | chiral liquid, F. Scholz, R. Gulaboski, V. Mirčeski, P. Langer Electrochem. Commun. 4 (2002) 659-662

174. Determination of the standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations across the nitrobenzene/water interface utilizing the reduction of iodine in an immobilized nitrobenzene droplet, V. Mirčeski, R. Gulaboski, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 4 (2002) 814-818

175. Determination of Standard Gibbs Energies of Transfer of Organic Anions across the Water | Nitrobenzene Interface, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, K. Riedl, R. Gulaboski, V. Mirčeski and F. Scholz Langmuir 18 (2002) 8000-8005

175a. Correction of: Determination of Standard Gibbs Energies of Transfer of Organic Anions across the Water | Nitrobenzene Interface, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, K. Riedl, R. Gulaboski, V. Mirčeski and F. Scholz Langmuir 19 (2003) 3090

176. Structure, insertion electrochemistry and magnetic properties of a new type of substitutional solid solutions of copper, nickel and iron hexacyano-ferrates/hexacyanocobaltates, A. Widmann, H. Kahlert, I. Petrovic-Prelevic, H. Wulff, J. V. Yakhmi, N. Bagkar, F. Scholz Inorg. Chem. 42 (2002) 5706-5715

177. Determination of the standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations and anions of amino acids and small peptides across the water | nitrobenzene interface, R. Gulaboski, V. Mirceski, F. Scholz Amino Acids 24 (2003) 149-154

178. Modeling cyclic voltammograms of simultaneous electron and ion transfer reactions at a conic film three-phase electrode, M. Lovric, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 540 (2003) 89-96

179. Crystallographic evidence for the formation of a continuous series of mixed crystals between NiO and LiNiO2, H. Wulff, M. M. Rao, F. Scholz Chemistry of Materials 15 (2003) 988 -993

180. Standard Gibbs Energies of Transfer of Halogenate and Pseudohalogenate ions, Halogen Substituted Acetates, and Cycloalkyl Carboxylate Anions at the Water|Nitrobenzene Interface, R. Gulaboski, K. Riedl, F. Scholz Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5 (2003) 1284-1289

181. The lipophilicity of peptide anions – an experimental data set for lipophilicity calculations, R. Gulaboski, F. Scholz J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 5650-5657

182. A generation of microbial fuel cells with current outputs boosted by more than one order of magnitude, U. Schröder, J. Nießen, F. Scholz Angew. Chem. 115 (2003) 2986-2989

183. Atomic Force Microscopy of the Electrochemical Reductive Dissolution of Sub-micrometer Sized Crystals of Goethite Immobilized on a Gold Electrode, U. Hasse, J. Nießen, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem., 556 (2003) 13-22

184. Standard partition coefficients of anionic drugs in the n-octanol/water system determined by voltammetry at three-phase electrodes, G. Bouchard, A. Galland, P.-A. Carrupt, R. Gulaboski, V. Mirčeski, F. Scholz, H. H. Girault Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5 (2003) 3748-3751

185. Electrochemical behaviour of solid lithium manganate (LiMn2O4) in aqueous neutral electrolyte solution, M. Jayalakshmi, M. Mohan Rao, F. Scholz Langmuir 19 (2003) 8403-8408

186. The determination of standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations across the nitrobenzene | water interface with the help of a three-phase electrode, F. Scholz, R. Gulaboski, K. Caban Electrochem. Commun. 5 (2003) 929-934

187. Bacterial batteries, F. Scholz, U. Schröder Nature Biotechnology 21 (2003) 1151-1152

188. The determination of the standard Gibbs energies of ion transfer between water and heavy water by using the three-phase electrode approach, R. Gulaboski, K. Caban, Z. Stojek, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 6 (2004) 215-218

189. In situ AFM evidence of the involvement of an oversaturated solution in the course of oxidation of silver nanocrystals to silver iodide crystals, U. Hasse, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 6 (2004) 409-412

190. An in situ microscopic spectroelectrochemical study of a three-phase electrode where an ion transfer at the water | nitrobenzene interface is coupled to an electron transfer at the interface ITO | nitrobenzene, Š. Komorsky-Lovrić, V. Mirčeski, Ch. Kabbe, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 566 (2004) 371-377

191. A comparison of the solvation properties of 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether, nitrobenzene, and n-octanol as assessed by ion transfer experiments, R. Gulaboski, A. Galland, G. Bouchard, K. Caban, A. Kretschmer, P.-A. Carrupt, Z. Stojek, H. H. Girault, F. Scholz J. Phys. Chem., B 108 (2004) 4565-4572

192. Square-wave thin-film voltammetry in the presence of uncompensated resistance, V. Mirčeski, R. Gulaboski, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 566 (2004) 351-360

193. Fluorinated Polyanilines as Superior Materials for Electrocatalytic Anodes in Bacterial Batteries, J. Niessen, U. Schröder, M. Rosenbaum, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 6 (2004) 571-575

194. Detection of the adhesion events of dispersed single montmorillonite particles at a static mercury drop electrode, F. Scholz, D. Hellberg, F. Harnisch, A. Hummel, U. Hasse Electrochem. Commun. 6 (2004) 929-933

195. Exploiting complex carbohydrates for microbial electricity generation – a bacterial battery operating on starch, J. Niessen, U. Schröder, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 6 (2004) 955-958

196. Nucleation at three-phase junction lines: In situ atomic force microscopy of the electrochemical reduction of sub micrometer size silver and mercury(I) halide crystals immobilized on gold electrodes, U. Hasse, K. Wagner, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 8 (2004) 842-853

197. A new calibration free pH-probe for in situ measurements of soil pH, H. Kahlert, T. Steinhardt, J. Behnert, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 16 (2004) 2058-2064

198. Gibbs energies of transfer of chiral anions across the interface water|chiral organic solvent determined with the help of three-phase electrodes, F. Scholz, R. Gulaboski Faraday Discussions 129 (2005) 169-177

198a. Discussion: Gibbs energies of transfer of chiral anions across the interface water|chiral organic solvent determined with the help of three-phase electrodes, F. Scholz, R. Gulaboski Faraday Discussions 129 (2005) 179-192

199. Determination of Gibbs Energies of Ion Transfer across Water/Organic Liquid Interfaces with Threee-Phase Electrodes, F. Scholz, R. Gulaboski ChemPhysChem 6 (2005) 16-28

201. In situ AFM observation of the electrochemical reduction of a single silver sulphide crystal and the recrystallization of the resulting silver crystal, U. Hasse, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 7 (2005) 173-176

202. Determination of organophosphate pesticides at a carbon nanotube/organophosphorus hydrolyse electroyhemical biosensor, R. Prakash Deo, J. Wang, I. Block, A. Mulchandani, K. A. Joshi, M. Trojanowicz, F. Scholz, W. Chen, Y. Lin Anal. Chim. Acta 530 (2005) 185-189

203. Controlling the morphology of silver deposition at liquid|liquid interfaces: From nano-wires to super smooth films, F. Scholz, U. Hasse Electrochem. Commun. 7 (2005) 541–546

204. Application of a New pH-Sensitive Electrode as a Detector in Flow Injection Potentiometry, H. Kahlert, J. R. Pörksen, I. Isildak, M. Andac, M. Yolcu, J. Behnert, F. Scholz Electroanalysis 17 (2005) 1085-1090

205. Teaching pH measurements with a combination quinhydrone electrode for self-assembling, F. Scholz, T. Steinhardt, H. Kahlert, J. R. Pörksen, J. Behnert J. Chem. Educ. 82 (2005) 782-786

206. Electrochemical and mechanochemical formation of solid solutions of potassium copper(II)/zinc(II) hexacyanocobaltate(III)/hexacyanoferrate(III) KCuxZn1-x[hcc]x[hcf]1-x, A. Widmann, H. Kahlert, H. Wulff, F. Scholz J. Solid State Electrochem. 9 (2005) 380-389

207. Comparative Study of the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of the Ion Transfer across the Liquid|Liquid Interface by Means of Three-Phase Electrodes, F. Quentel, V. Mirceski, M. L’Her, M. Mladenov, F. Scholz, C. Elleouet J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 13228-13236

208. Utilizing the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii for Microbial Electricity Generation: A Living Solar Cell, M. Rosenbaum, U. Schröder, F. Scholz Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 68 (2005) 753-756

209. Kinetics of Liposome Adhesion on a Mercury Electrode, D. Hellberg, F. Scholz, F. Schubert, M. Lovrić, D. Omanović, V. Agmo Hernández, R. Thede J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 14715-14726

210. In situ electrooxidation of photobiological hydrogen in a photobioelectrochemical fuel cell based on Rhodobacter Sphaeroides, M. Rosenbaum, U. Schröder, F. Scholz Environmental Science & Technology 39 (2005) 6328 -6333

211. Gaining Electricity from Microbial Cellulose Degradation, J. Niessen, U. Schröder, F. Harnisch, F. Scholz Letters in Applied Microbiology 41 (2005) 286-290

212. Chronocoulometric study of the electrochemistry of Prussian blue, M. Orellana, P. Arriola, R. Del Rio, R. Schrebler, R. Cordova, F. Scholz, H. Kahlert J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 15483-15488

213. Application of Pyrolysed Iron(II) Phthalocyanine and CoTMPP Based Oxygen Reduction Catalysts as Cathode Materials in Microbial Fuel Cells, F. Zhao, F. Harnisch, U. Schröder, F. Scholz Electrochem. Commun. 7 (2005) 1405–1410

214. FIA acid-base titrations with a new flow-through pH detector, H. Kahlert, J. R. Pörksen, J. Behnert, F. Scholz Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 382 (2005) 1981-1986

215. Magnetic Properties of Substitutional Solid Solutions of Nickel and Iron Hexacyanoferrate / Hexacyanochromate, N. Bagkar, A. Widmann, H. Kahlert, G. Ravikumar, S. M. Yusuf, F. Scholz, J. V. Yakhmi Phil. Mag. B 85 (2005) 3659-3672

217. Electrochemical characterisation of dental alloys: Its possibilities and limitations, W.-D. Müller, C. Schöpf, M. L. Nascimento, A. C. Carvalho, M. Moisel, A. Schenk, F. Scholz, K. P. Lange Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 381 (2005) 1520-1525