

1. A new pH-sensor based on quinhydrone, Scholz, F.; Düssel, H.; Meyer, B. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 347 (1993) 458-459

2. A solid composite pH sensor based on quinhydrone, Düssel, H.; Komorsky-Lovric, Š.; Scholz F. Electroanalysis 7 (1995) 889-894

3. Hexacyanoferrate-based composite ion-sensitive electrodes for voltammetry, Düssel, H.; Dostal, A.; Scholz, F. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 355 (1996) 21-28

4. A Prussian blue-based reactive electrode (reactrode) for the determination of thallium ions, Kahlert, H.; Komorsky-Lovric, Š.; Hermes, M.; Scholz F. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 356 (1996) 204-208

5. A graphite silver(I) hexacyanoferrate(III) composite electrode for the determination of iron(III) ions, Kahlert, H.; Scholz, F. Electroanalysis 9 (1997) 922-925

6. On the determination of the diffusion coefficients of electrons and of potassium ions in copper(II) hexacyanoferrate(II) composite electrodes, Kahlert, H.; Retter, U.; Lohse, H.; Siegler, K.; Scholz, F. J. Phys. Chem. B 44 (1998) 8757-8765

7. Determination of iodide in urine by ion-pair chromatography with electrochemical detection, Below, H.; Kahlert, H. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 371 (2001) 431-436

8. Structure, insertion electrochemistry and magnetic properties of a new type of substitutional solid solutions of copper, nickel and iron hexacyanoferrates/hexacyanocobaltates, Widmann, A.; Kahlert, H.; Petrovic-Prelevic, I.; Wulff, H.; Yakhmi, J. V.; Bagkar, N.; Scholz, F. Inorg. Chem. 41 (2002), 5706-5715

9. pH pocket sensor. Robust and calibration free. Kahlert, H.; Hasse, U.; Pörksen, J. R.; Steinhardt, T.; Behnert, J. LaborPraxis 26 (2002) 42-44

10. On the impedance of potassium nickel(II) hexacyanoferrate(II) composite electrodes – the generalization of the randles model referring to inhomogeneous electrode materials, Retter, U.; Widmann, A.; Siegler, K.; Kahlert, H. J. Electroanal. Chem. 546 (2003) 87-96

11. The structure investigation of copper, nickel and iron hexacyanometalates from conventional x-ray powder diffraction data, Petrovic-Prelevic, I.; Widmann, A.; Kahlert, H.; Wulff, H.; Scholz, F. Material Science Forum 443-444 (Epdic8) (2004), 345-348

12. A New calibration free pH-probe for in situ measurements of soil pH, Kahlert, H.; Steinhardt, T.; Behnert, J.; Scholz, F. Electroanalysis 16 (2004), 2058-2064

13. Teaching pH measurements with a combination quinhydrone electrode for self-assembling, Scholz, F.; Steinhardt, T.; Kahlert, H.; Pörksen, J. R.; Behnert, J. J. Chem. Educ. 82 (2005), 782-786

14. Electrochemical and mechanochemical formation of solid solutions of potassium copper(II)/zinc(II) hexacyanocobaltate(III)/hexacyanoferrate(III) KCuxZn1 x[hcc]x[hcf]1-x, Widmann, A.; Kahlert, H.; Wulff, H.; Scholz, F. J. Solid State Electrochem. 9 (2005), 380-389

15. Application of a new pH-sensitive electrode as a detector in flow injection potentiometry, Kahlert, H.; Pörksen, J. R.; Isildak, I.; Andac, M.; Yolcu, M.; Behnert, J.; Scholz, F. Electroanalysis 17 (2005), 1085-1090

16. Chronocoulometric study of the electrochemistry of Prussian blue, Orellana, M.; Arriola, P.; Del Rio, R.; Schrebler, R.; Cordova, R.; Scholz, F.; Kahlert, H. J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005), 15483-15488

17. FIA acid-base titrations with a new flow-through pH detector, Kahlert, H.; Pörksen, J. R.; Behnert, J.; Scholz, F. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 382 (2005), 1981-1986

18. Magnetic properties of substitutional solid solutions of nickel and iron hexacyanoferrate-hexacyanochromate, Bagkar, N.; Widmann, A.; Kahlert, H.; Ravikumars, G.; Yusuf, S. M.; Scholz, F.; Yakhmi, J. V. Phil. Mag. B 85 (2005), 3659-3672

19. Catalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide at metal hexacyanoferrate composite electrodes and applications in enzymatic analysis, López de Lara González, G.; Kahlert, H.; Scholz, F. Electrochim. Acta 52 (2007), 1968-1974

20. Indirect electrochemical sensing of radicals and radical scanvengers in biological matrices, Scholz, F.; López de Lara González, G.; Machado de Carvalho, L.; Hilgemann, M.; Brainina, K. Z.; Kahlert, H.; Jack, R. S.; Minh D. T. Angew. Chem. 119 (2007), 8225-8227, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 46 (2007), 8079-8081

21. A model of mass transport near the tube wall in a flow-injection manifold, Lovric, M.; Komorsky-Lovric, Š.; Kahlert, H.; Scholz, F. Anal. Chim. Acta 602 (2007), 75-81

22. A Potential high-throughput method for the determination of lipase activity by potentiometric flow injection titrations, Vahl, K.; Kahlert, H.; Böttcher, D.; Wardenga, R.; Komorsky-Lovrić, Š.; Bornscheuer, U.; Scholz, F. Anal. Chim. Acta 610 (2008), 44-49

23. Functionalized carbon electrodes for pH determination, Kahlert, H. J. Solid State Electrochem. 12 (2008), 1255-1266

24. Electrochemical assay to quantify the hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of medicinal plant extracts, Hilgemann, M.; Scholz, F.; Kahlert, H.; Machado de Carvalho, L.; Barcellos da Rosa, M.; Lindequist, U.; Wurster, M.; do Nascimento, P. C.; Bohrer, D. Electroanalysis 22 (2010), 406-412

25. A solid-state redox buffer as interface of solid-contact ISEs, Scholz, F.; Kahlert, H.; Hasse, U.; Albrecht, A.; Tagne Kuate, A. C.; Jurkschat, K. Electrochem. Commun. 12 (2010), 955-957

26. Rapid automatic determination of calcium and magnesium in aqueous solutions by FIA using potentiometric detection, Vahl, K.; Kahlert, H.; Scholz, F. Electroanalysis 22 (2010), 2172-2178

27. Irreversible electrostatic deposition of Prussian blue from colloidal solutions, Cisternas, R.; Muñoz, E.; Henríquez, R.; Córdova, R.; Kahlert, H.; Hasse, U.; Scholz, F. J Solid State Electrochem 15 (2011) 2461-2468

28. Determination of the titratable acidity and the pH of wine based on potentiometric flow injection analysis, Vahl, K.; Kahlert, H.; von Mühlen, L.; Albrecht, A.; Meyer, G.; Behnert, J. Talanta 111 (2013), 134-139

29. A chronopotentiometric sensor for assays of redox-active compounds, Nasri, Z.; Kahlert, H.; Scholz, F. Electrochem. Commun. 49 (2014) 18-20

30. The calculation of the solubility of metal hydroxides, oxide-hydroxides, and oxides, and their visualisation in logarithmic diagrams, Scholz, F; Kahlert, H ChemTexts 1 (2015) 7

30a. Die Berechnung der Löslichkeit von Metallhydroxiden, -oxid-hydroxiden und -oxiden und ihre Veranschaulichung in logarithmischen Diagrammen, Scholz, F.; Kahlert, H. deutsche Version zu 30.

31. The electrode response of a tungsten bronze electrode differ in potentiometry and voltammetry and give access to the individual contributions of electron and proton transfer, Cisternas, R.; Kahlert, H.; Wulff, H.; Scholz, F. Electrochem. Commun. 56 (2015) 34-37

32. Direct contact tungsten bronze electrodes for calibration-free pH measurements, Cisternas, R.; Kahlert, H.; Scholz, F.; Wulff, H. Electrochem. Commun. 60 (2015) 17-20

33. Colour maps of acid–base titrations with colour indicators: how to choose the appropriate indicator and how to estimate the systematic titration errors, Kahlert, H.; Meyer, G.; Albrecht, A. ChemTexts (2016) 2:7

33a. Farbkarten für Säure-Base-Titrationen mit Farbindikatoren. Anleitung zur Auswahl des passenden Indikators und zur Abschätzung des systematischen Titrationsfehlers, Kahlert, H,: Meyer, G.; Albrecht, A. deutsche Version zu 33 

34. Voltammetric analysis of Pinus needles with physiological, phylogenetic, and forensic applications, A. S. Ortiz-Miranda, P. König, H. Kahlert, F. Scholz, L. Osete-Cortina, M. T. Doménec-Carbó, A. Doménec-Carbó Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 408 (2016) 4943-4952 

35.  Decreasing the time response of calibration-free pH sensors based on tungsten bronze nanocrystals, R. Cisternas,L. Ballesteros, M. L. Valenzuela, H. Kahlert, F. ScholzJ. Electroanal. Chem. 801 (2017) 315-318

36. Impact of gold-1-decanethiol-SAM formation and removal cycles on the surface properties of polycrystalline gold and SAM quality, D. A. Thal, H. Kahlert, J. Chinnaya, P. Ahrens, U. Hasse J. Solid State Electrochem (2017) 1149-1154

37. The electrochemistry of DPPH in three-phase electrode systems for ion transfer and ion association studies, K. Dharmaraj, Z. Nasri, H. Kahlert, F. Scholz J. Electroanal. Chem. 823 (2018) 765‒772

38. Acid–base equilibria of amino acids: microscopic and macroscopic acidity constants, F. Scholz, H. Kahlert ChemTexts (2018) 4:6, Correction:Acid–base equilibria of amino acids: microscopic and macroscopic acidity constants, F. Scholz, H. Kahlert ChemTexts (2019) 5:7

39. Specific and robust ion chromatographic determination of hypothiocyanite in saliva samples,H. Below, R. Baguhl, W. Geßner, A. Kramer, E. Below, H. Kahlert, A. Welk Anal Bioanal Chem (2018) 

40. Detoxification of Gold Surfaces by OH Treatment, K. Vahl, T. Utesch, U. Hasse, H. Kahlert, B. T. Tran, R. S. Jack, A. Bollmann, S. Krusekopf, K. Lücke, F. Scholz Gold Bull. 52 (2019) 99-103

41. Generalization of acid-base diagrams based on the unified pH-scale, H. Kahlert, I. Leito ChemPhysChem 20 (2019) 1779-1785

42.The partition of salts (i) between two immiscible solution phases and (ii) between the solid salt phase and its saturated salt solution, F. Scholz, H. Kahlert, R. Thede ChemTexts (2020) 6:17

43. The acid-base and redox properties of menaquinone MK-4, MK-7, and MK-9 (vitamin K-2) in DMPC monolayers on mercury, K. Dharmaraj, J. I. Roman Silva, H. Kahlert, U. Lendeckel, F. Scholz Eur Biophys J Biophys Letters 49 (2020) 279-288

44. Self-assembled mono- and bilayers on gold electrodes to assess antioxidants-a comparative study, M. Ravandeh, D. Thal, H. Kahlert, K. Wende, M. Lalk J Solid State Electrochem 24 (2020) 3003-3011

45. A combination of electrochemistry and mass spectrometry to monitor the interaction of reactive species with supported lipid bilayers, M. Ravandeh, H. Kahlert, H. Jablonowski, J.-W. Lackmann, J. Striesow, V. A. Hernandez, K. Wende Sci Reports 10 (2020) 18683

46. Protective Role of Sphingomyelin in Eye Lens Cell Membrane Model against Oxidative Stress, M. Ravandeh, G. Coliva, H. Kahlert, A. Azinfar, C. A. Helm, M. Fedorova, K. Wende Biomolecules 11 (2021) 27

47. The effects of the chemical environment of menaquinones in lipid monolayers on mercury electrodes on the thermodynamics and kinetics of their electrochemistry, K. Dharmaraj, D. Dattler, H. Kahlert, U. Lendeckel, F. Nagel, M. Delcea, F. Scholz Eur Biophys J Biophys Letters 50 (2021) 731-743


Buchbeiträge und Bücher

1./2. Kapitel II.9. „Potentiometry“ und Kapitel III.2. „Reference Electrodes“
H. Kahlert
In: Electroanalytical Methods (F. Scholz, Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002, Russische Edition, Moskau 2006, 2., vollständig überarbeitete Edition 2010

3. Praktikum der Elektroanalytik mit dem 757 VA Computrace
H. Kahlert, U. Schröder,
Metrohm-Monographie, 2002

4. Kapitel 3.13 „Electrochemistry of Polycyano-Metalates“
F. Scholz, H. Kahlert,
In: Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry Vol. 7 (F. Scholz, C. J. Pickett, Eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2006

5. 21 Einträge in „Electrochemical Dictionary“
(A. J. Bard, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz, Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2008
4 weitere Einträge in der 2. Ausgabe, Springer, Berlin, 2012

6. Reference Electrodes
H. Kahlert
In: Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry (R. Savinell, K. Ota, G. Kreysa, Eds.), SpringerReference (, Springer, Berlin, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_303688 2013-01-04 05:02:28 UTC

7. Micro-reference Electrodes
H. Kahlert
In: Handbook of Reference Electrodes (A. Lewenstam, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz, Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2013

8. Acid-Base Diagrams
H. Kahlert, F. Scholz
Springer, Berlin, 2013

9. Säure-Base Diagramme
H. Kahlert, F. Scholz
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, 2014

10. Chemische Gleichgewichte in der Analytischen Chemie
F. Scholz, H. Kahlert
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018, 2. Aufl. 2020

11. Chemical Equilibria in Analytical Chemistry
F. Scholz, H. Kahlert
Springer Nature, Cham, 2019


1. Direktpotentiometrischer pH-Sensor, J. Behnert, F. Scholz, H. Kahlert DE 101 08 539 A1 (22.02.2001/12.09.2002)

2. Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Biokompatibilität einer Oberfläche, A. Bollmann, K. Lücke, F. Scholz, K. Vahl, R. Smail, U. Hasse, H. Kahlert WO 2015/028503 A1 (27.08.2014/05.03.2015)