
Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Mihaela Delcea
Biophysikalische Chemie
Felix Hausdorff-Straße 4
17487 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 4423
Telefax +49 3834 420 4377
(Bild Quelle: Thilo Schoch)

Leitende Mitarbeiterin / Leading staff

Dr. Una Janke
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 4
17489 Greifswald
Raum B 130
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4432
PhD Students

Johanna Lück
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 4
17489 Greifswald
Raum C037
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4428

Anne Susemihl
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 4
17489 Greifswald
Raum B112
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4445

B.Sc. Students

Davit Avagyan

Julia Pehlke

Philipp Randt

Yannis Böhme

Mira Wolf
Visiting Scientists
Ali Abou-Hassan is an Associate Professor at Sorbonne University in PHENIX laboratory, Paris, France. Since 2010 he has developed his own multidisciplinary research ranging from setting up new synthesis and self-assembly strategies combining his knowledge in microfluidics, colloidal chemistry, nanoparticle's synthesis (magnetic and plasmonic ones) and out of equilibrium phenomena for the elaboration of multi-scale multifunctional materials ranging from nanomaterials to microcapsules with applications in nanomedicine and biomedical fields. Fascinated by out of equilibrium phenomena in nature and chemistry he also studies the nucleation and growth of materials in a biomimetic approach assisted by microfluidics and auto-organization of oscillating inorganic chemical reactions.

Magalí Di Meglio holds a degree in Biotechnology and is currently a PhD student and chemistry teacher at the National University of Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her doctoral project focuses on the development of topical nanosystems, using gold nanorods as effectors that are transported by lipid carriers to generate photothermal activity targeting cells infected by parasites responsible for causing cutaneous leishmaniasis. She is currently at the institute for a one-month exchange program funded by a DAAD scholarship, aimed at improving the nanoparticles produced in Argentina, conducting their characterization, and testing the effects of these nanoparticles on cell cultures.

Associate Professor Andreas Kupz is an NHMRC Investigator and leads the Tuberculosis Vaccinology Group at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine at James Cook University. Andreas studied biology at Humboldt-University in Berlin and completed a PhD in microbiology and immunology at the University of Melbourne. He performed his postdoctoral training at the Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology. His research focuses on interactions between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the host immune system and their implications for the development of new TB vaccines, including in the context of immunosuppression.
Anne Strate
Dr. Anne Strate
Universität Rostock
Institut für Chemie
Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Activities ...
Dipl.-Ing (FH) Wilfried Zastrow(2021)
Dr. Benedict Elvers(2023)
Dr. Brahmaiah Meesaragandla(2023)
Dr. Alena Rong(2022)
PD Dr. Richard Thede(2022)
Dr. Martin Kulke(2021)
Dr. Ulrike Martens(2020)
Dr. Felix Nagel(2022)
Title of Thesis: "Structural and Biophysical Insights Into Autoproteolytic and Inhibitory Mechanisms Regulating Tryptic Activity in Pancreatitis"
Dr. Sanjai Karanth(2021)
Title of Thesis: "Biomolecules at interfaces: understanding the dynamics of proteins and nanoparticles with biomimetic membranes under nitric oxide-induced stress"
Dr. Una Janke(2021)
Title of Thesis: "Integrin αIIbβ3 - a journey from protein to cell"
Dr. Ina Silke Lena Buchholz (2021)
Title of Thesis: "Impact of beta2-Glycoprotein I Post-translational Modifications on Protein Conformational Dynamics and Immunogenicity in the Context of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome"
Dr. Annelie Klein (2021)
Title of Thesis: "The influence of pH on the interaction between SPINK1 and trypsin-A single molecule force spectroscopy study"
Emma Weilbeer (2024)
Title of Thesis: "Binding Study of Beta-2-Glycoprotein I and Integrin-Containing Artificial Lipid Membranes"
M.Sc. Boglárka Boer (2022)
Title of Thesis: "The Impact of Mutations on the Activation and Interaction of Integrin αIIbβ3 with Drugs"
M.Sc. Alexandra Mitlehner (2022)
Titel of Thesis: "Design and Characterization of EGF receptor targeting nanoparticles"
M.Sc. Kevin Möhlis (2021)
Titel of Thesis: "Biophysical Characterization of the Interaction between Human Trypsin Isoforms and Pancreatitis-associated SPINK1 mutants"
M.Sc. Theresa Brinker(2020)
Title of Thesis: "Influence of Integrin αIIbβ3 on the elasticity of HEK293 cells as expression platforms"
M.Sc. Kristin Holl(2020)
Title of Thesis:"Imaging the influence of integrin αIIbβ3 activation on cell structures expressed in HEK293 cells"
M.Sc. Felix Nagel (2019)
Title of Thesis: "Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Serine Protease Interactions with the Idiopathic Chronic Pancreatitis associated SPINK1 N34S mutant"
B.Sc. Wanda Levin (2024)
Title of Thesis: "Wechselwirkungen von funktionalisierten Polystyrol – Nanopartikeln mit biomimetischen Membranen und die Rolle der Integrin – Aktivierung"
B.Sc. Pia Ensslin (2021)
Title of Thesis: "Interaktionvon unterschiedlich oberflächenfunktionalisierten Polystyrol-Mikropartikeln mit Blutproteinen"
B.Sc. Tabea Krupa (2021)
Title of Thesis: "Biophysikalische Analyse von Beta-2-Glykoprotein I (β2GPI) und Integrin αIIbβ3 Interaktion"
B.Sc. Dennis Blessing (2021)
Title of Thesis: "Interaktion von Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln unterschiedlicher Größe mit Blutproteinen"
B.Sc. Hoang Vu (2021)
Title of Thesis: "Size-dependent interaction of plastic nanoparticles and bioconjugates with artificial platelet membranes"
B.Sc. Emma Weilbeer (2021)
Title of Thesis:"Interaction of different surface functionalized polystyrene nanoparticles with biomimetic membranes and cells"
B.Sc. Celine Zurr (2021)
Titel of Thesis: "Nanoplastik Interaktionen mit artifiziellen Thrombozytenmembranen"
B.Sc. Chiara Hall (2021)
Title of Thesis: "Zytotoxizität von superparamagnetischen Eisenoxidnanopartikeln"
B.Sc. Tobias Eulberg (2020)
Title of Thesis: "Influence of a minor P1 Substitution in SPINK1 on its Structure and Interaction with Human Cationic Trypsin"
B.Sc. Marcel Gabor (2020)
Title of Thesis: "Moleküldynamische Simulationen und Vergleich der Konformationsverteilung zwischen Wildtyp und N34S-Mutante des Serinproteaseinhibitor Kazal-Typ 1"
B.Sc. Aileen Weide (2020)
Title of Thesis: "Einfluss von verschiedenen Lipidzusammensetzungen artifizieller Membransysteme auf die Integrin aIIbb3 Aktivierung"
B.Sc. Jakob Haarbeck (2020)
Title of Thesis: "Moleküldynamische Untersuchungen zu der Sekundär und Tertiärstruktur der TSP-reichen Region von ADAMTS13"
B.Sc. Alexandra Mitlehner (2020)
Title of Thesis: "Reconstitution and characterization of αIIbβ3 in lipidic systems"
B.Sc. Jessica Krahnke (2020)
Title of Thesis: "Zeit- und temperaturabhängige Interaktionen von magnetischen Nanopartikeln und den eisenhaltigen Proteinen Laktoferrin und Transferrin"
B.Sc. Sophie Möller (2019)
Title of Thesis: "Interaktion von Fibrinogen-funktionalisierten Eisenoxidnanopartikeln mit Lipidmembran"
B.Sc. Anastasia Apriliani (2019)
Title of Thesis:"Maghemite nanoparticles functionalized with different blood proteins and their interaction with proteoliposomes"
B.Sc. Maxim Bodimer(2018)
Title of Thesis:"Spektroskopische Untersuchungen der WechselwirkungenProteinen mit Gold-Nanopartikeln von Proteinen mit Gold-Nanopartikeln"
B.Sc. Anne Susemihl (2018)
Title of Thesis:"Analyse konformationsabhängiger Interaktion zwischen beta2-Glykoprotein I und Plättchenfaktor 4 mittels biophysikalischer Methoden"
B.Sc. Marco Harms (2017)
Title of Thesis:"Aufreinigung und Charakterisierung von humanem Integrin αIIb β3 rekombinant exprimiert in CHO-Zellen"
aktualisiert am 11.03.2025 durch
N. Geist