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Brahmaiah's paper on the impact of cell culture media on the interaction of biopolymer-functionalized gold nanoparticles with cells: mechanical and toxicological properties is published

Figure 4: Time dependent mechanical alterations of HL60 cells in presence of different surface-functionalized AuNPs (50 pM) in RPMI without FCS. (A) Schematic representation of a microfluidic chip, where cells are deformed hydrodynamically by a parabolic flow profile at a flow rate 0.16 µls−1. Deformation and cell size is obtained from bright field images (top) captured by a 40× objective and CMOS camera using a contour (red) representing cell perimeter and area. (B) Scatter plot of deformation vs. cell size. Curved lines indicate the isoelasticity lines to calculate the Young’s modulus of the cells. (C) Scatter plot of Young’s modulus vs. cell size. Control cells (B, C) were measured after treatment with water. Color code (B, C) highlights event density, where red means highest density of the population. (D, E) Time dependent mechanical alterations of HL60 cells in presence of different surface-functionalized AuNPs. For control condition, same volume of water was added to the cells instead of AuNPs. Data presented is the respective mean value of three independent experimental replicates. Statistical analysis has been done using linear-mixed models. Error bars correspond to the standard error of mean (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001).

Brahmaiah's paper on the impact of cell culture media on the interaction of biopolymer-functionalized gold nanoparticles with cells: mechanical and toxicological properties is published in Scientific Reports. Congratulations Brahmi!


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aktualisiert am 11.03.2025 durch
N. Geist